Should You Buy Backlinks in 2024?

Backlinks remain a cornerstone of SEO, even in the day and age of Generative AI. A backlink, simply put, is a link from one website to another. These links serve as a vote of confidence from one site to another, telling search engines like Google that the content is valuable, credible, and useful. Consequently, backlinks are among the critical factors for ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Their importance has persisted through the years, although the strategies for acquiring them have evolved significantly.

The Link-Buying Landscape in 2024

As we venture deeper into the 2024 digital marketing landscape, the practice of buying backlinks remains a contentious topic. The link-buying landscape has become increasingly sophisticated, with a focus on due diligence to avoid overspending on mediocre links. Here’s an overview of the current state:

  • Risk vs. Reward: While the potential rewards of buying high-quality backlinks are tempting – faster rankings and increased visibility – the risks associated with this practice cannot be understated. Google’s algorithms have become more adept at identifying and penalizing (or simply ignoring) unnatural linking patterns, making the purchase of backlinks a high-stakes game.
  • Quality Over Quantity: The days of buying bulk, low-quality backlinks are long gone. In 2024, it’s imperative to focus on acquiring high-quality, relevant links that genuinely contribute to your site’s authority. The affordability of backlinks on platforms like Fiverr may seem appealing, but this often doesn’t translate to quality.

Understanding Google’s Guidelines on Backlinks

Google’s stance on backlinks is clear: any links intended to manipulate PageRank or a site’s ranking in Google search results may be considered part of a link scheme and a violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines (now known as Google Search Essentials). This includes any behavior that manipulates links to your site or outgoing links from your site. The potential consequences are severe:

  • Penalties and Loss of Trust: Sites that engage in link schemes risk severe penalties, including loss of search rankings and even de-indexing. It’s crucial to understand that Google actively works to identify artificial link schemes and penalize sites participating in them, which could result in a significant decline in traffic and credibility. In my research, unless you really step over the line with link buying, your links are most likely to simply be ignored – which is still potentially a huge waste of money, at best.
  • Cost vs. Organic Growth: Buying backlinks can be expensive and provides very temporary results. Google’s algorithms are designed to prioritize sites that grow their link profile naturally over time, which is a more sustainable and stable growth strategy.

In the context of these guidelines, pursuing organic growth strategies and understanding the nuances of link building are vital for success in SEO. Resources such as Moz’s Guide to Link Building provide invaluable insights into developing a robust link-building strategy that adheres to Google’s standards.

The Cost of Backlinks in 2024

Discussing the cost of backlinks in 2024 involves a multifaceted examination of the SEO industry’s current dynamics:

  • Factors Influencing Cost: Several factors can affect backlink pricing. These include the domain authority of the linking site, the relevancy of the site’s content to your niche, and the perceived quality of the backlink. Additionally, the industry in which you’re operating can have a significant impact on cost, with highly competitive sectors like finance and real estate often commanding higher prices for quality backlinks.
  • Pricing Insights: Recent case studies have shed light on what businesses might expect to pay for link-building services. Tools like Ahrefs SEO Toolset have been instrumental in providing data-driven insights into the cost of acquiring backlinks, helping businesses budget effectively for their SEO efforts.

In this landscape, it’s important to remember that while the temptation to seek quick fixes through purchased backlinks remains, the most reliable and cost-effective strategy often involves building a solid foundation of organic links over time.

The Debate: To Buy or Not to Buy

The decision to buy backlinks in 2024 is fraught with debate. On one side, the allure of quick results is tempting, with the promise of immediate boosts in SERP rankings and increased visibility. On the other, the principle of long-term sustainability and organic growth holds sway, advocating for a patient and strategic approach to SEO.

Pros and Cons of Buying Backlinks


  • Accelerated SERP performance
  • Rapid brand visibility
  • Potentially higher traffic influx


  • Risk of Google penalties and loss of trust
  • Substantial financial investment with diminishing returns
  • Potential for low-quality, irrelevant backlinks that harm SEO

The landscape of SEO in 2024 demands that webmasters weigh these factors carefully. The reality is that quality trumps quantity, and a smaller number of high-quality, organically earned backlinks can often provide greater SEO benefits than a large number of purchased ones.

Safely Incorporating Paid Backlinks

If you decide that limited bought backlinks may benefit your SEO strategy, proceed with caution and adhere to best practices to mitigate risks:

  • Vet Sites Thoroughly: Ensure the sites you’re considering are relevant to your niche and have a clean, trustworthy link profile. Avoid those with a history of selling links or exhibiting spammy behaviors.
  • Natural Growth Velocity: Build links slowly over time, which can help avoid drawing unwanted attention from search engines that could interpret rapid link accumulation as manipulative.
  • Diversify Anchor Text: Use a mix of branded, naked, and contextual links to maintain a natural-looking backlink profile.
  • Paid-to-Natural Links Ratio: Keep the proportion of paid-to-natural links reasonable—experts suggest a safe threshold is between 10-20%.
  • Spread Out Link Placements: Distribute your paid links across multiple quality pages to avoid pattern detection that could signal artificial link building.
  • Regular Monitoring: Use tools to ensure your paid links remain valuable, and don’t hesitate to use Google’s Disavow Tool if you identify potentially harmful links.

By following these guidelines, you can cautiously integrate paid backlinks into your SEO strategy without compromising the integrity of your site’s link profile.

Alternatives to Buying Backlinks

In place of buying backlinks, consider these organic link-building strategies:

  • Content Marketing: Develop high-quality, shareable content that naturally attracts backlinks. This includes creating comprehensive blog posts, case studies, infographics, and videos that provide value to your audience.
  • Skyscraper Content: Researching important topics in your niche and creating content that is bigger, better, and more detailed than all of the top ranking sites.
  • Broken Link Building: Discover out-of-date or no longer existing resources in your niche that have a high number of links, create an updated or better version of that resource, and pitch it to the sites linking to the old/dead page.
  • Social Media Engagement: Leverage your social media platforms to share your content and engage with your audience, increasing the likelihood of earning natural backlinks.
  • Influencer Outreach: Partner with influencers in your niche to get your content in front of a larger audience, which can lead to natural backlinks from their followers and fans.
  • Guest Blogging: Write valuable articles for reputable sites in your industry. This can help you gain exposure and backlinks from a new audience.

Navigating the Gray Areas of Link Building

Link building in 2024 is not black and white; there are gray areas that can be navigated with a strategic approach:

  • Editorial Links: Focus on earning editorial links by providing value through your content and fostering relationships with webmasters and content creators.
  • Guest Post Marketplaces: Use these platforms judiciously to find opportunities for guest posting, ensuring that the sites you work with have robust selection criteria to guarantee link quality.

Risks and Considerations When Buying Backlinks

The risks associated with purchasing backlinks in 2024 can be substantial:

  • Long-Term Risks: Beyond immediate penalties, consider the long-term impact of purchased links on your brand’s reputation and the trust of your users.
  • Brand Integrity: Your brand’s integrity is paramount. Engaging in practices that are frowned upon by search engines can damage your reputation irreparably.
  • Domain Authority: Remember that not all backlinks are equal. Links from reputable, high-authority sites have a much greater positive impact on your SEO than low-quality links.

FAQs on Buying Backlinks

Here are some frequently asked questions that shed light on common concerns about buying backlinks:

  • How many backlinks do I need to rank? The number of backlinks required varies greatly depending on your industry, competition, and the quality of your content. Quality always supersedes quantity.
  • What are niche edits? Niche edits involve inserting backlinks into existing, relevant content on other websites. While they can be effective, they must be executed with caution to avoid appearing manipulative to search engines.
  • Can backlinks fix bad SEO? No, backlinks alone cannot remedy poor SEO practices. A holistic approach to SEO, including high-quality content and sound technical SEO, is essential.

More Questions?

Building links is a complicated topic, so if you want to talk through the details you can reach out to our team and we’ll be happy to discuss your options.

Adam Henige

Adam Henige is Managing Partner of Netvantage SEO. Adam heads the SEO and link building efforts for Netvantage and has been a contributing blogger for industry publications like Search Engine Journal and Moz.

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