3 SEO tools that will help you immediately

I just plain hate reading an SEO blog where they offer tips like “check your competitors’ links”. Don’t get me wrong, you should do that to look for prospects, but if your competitor has links in AARP magazine you have to strategize (thank you G.W. Bush for expanding our vocabulary) to get a link there – find a contact, figure out if you can guest post/sponsor/etc. But that doesn’t help you RIGHT NOW. That’s a step towards something better. I’m talking quick wins – here are three tools that you can spend ten minutes on and get some value out of.

1. Pingfarm – Added a new page?  Launched a new domain?  Let Google know it’s there with a quick ping from Ping farm.  The first step in getting a site/page ranked is to have the search engines know it exists.  Use Ping farm to let’em know you’re live.

2. Drop My Link – While the value of a blog comment link might be minimal at best, there’s still some serious value to getting your content noticed.  Did you just make a new blog post about a breakthrough in cat nutrition?  If so, go where people are talking about similar topics and let them know about your creation.  Drop My Link is a cool service that helps you find conversations relating to your subject matter and if you’re wily you can drop a note about your newest concoction and get yourself some attention (and hopefully some links).

3. Directory Critic – “Blah, blah, blah…directories are dead.”  All the cool kids are saying it.  The truth is, there are still some quality ones out there that pass decent link juice and can actually send you good traffic.  Directory Critic is a user policed site that organizes directories into niches and lets you sort them by paid, unpaid, quality, etc.  A very handy tool, particularly if you’re in a niche that they cater to, and they cater to quite a few (like real estate).

So to all of the crappy posts out there that you can’t TRULY take action on, put this in your pipe and smoke it.


Adam Henige

Adam Henige is Managing Partner of Netvantage SEO. Adam heads the SEO and link building efforts for Netvantage and has been a contributing blogger for industry publications like Search Engine Journal and Moz.

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