Search Scoop: Week of April 13th

Happy Monday! We hope our readers are staying safe and healthy. Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles: Adam HenigeThe Link Building Book —  I haven’t had a chance to deep […] Read More

Search Scoop: Week of March 30th

We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy! Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles: Adam HenigeWinners and losers: How COVID-19 is affecting search behavior — Stuck at home and in need […] Read More

Source vs Medium in Google Analytics

When reviewing traffic in Google Analytics, you have likely seen information on traffic Source and Medium. It’s pretty easy to get the two mixed up – Google Analytics even has […] Read More

Search Scoop: Week of March 16th

Happy Monday! Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles: Adam HenigeHow Low Can #1 Go? (2020 Edition) — Recently I worried that I had developed an ulcer and this post explains why. […] Read More

Search Scoop: Week of March 2nd

Happy Monday! Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles: Adam HenigeYoast SEO was responsible for 75% Drop in our Traffic (and how we fixed) — Noticing an unusually high number of pages […] Read More

My Latest Google Ads Support Fail

We got a new client last November, out of the Grand Rapids area. We inherited the client’s Google Ads account, which was a bit messy (as they normally are). We […] Read More

Search Scoop: Week of February 17th

Happy Monday! Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles: Adam HenigeRaising the stakes on product category pages — Aleyda Solis gives some actionable insights as to the best ways to structure category […] Read More