Google Search Console Data Now Displaying in Search Results

Beginning in October, Google began displaying snapshots of Search Console data in search results. It shows data for clicks, impressions, and the average position of your site. It also has an option for you to see ways to improve your data. If you haven’t seen this yet, you probably aren’t alone. To get these results to display, you actually have to be logged into your Google account and have your websites verified in Search Console to see queries for the site.

Why the Change?

Google constantly wants to provide users with the best results. In order to do that, Google needs to make website managers and owners keep up to date with the health of their sites. Therefore, it seems like this new feature displaying in search results was created to get people to be more aware of their website. It shows a 28-day comparison of your site for the query that was searched. Whether your results have improved or not, it will always give you the option to “see ways to improve” your site, by directing you to Search Console. If Google can get more people to improve their site’s performance, it can help Google provide better website rankings in search results.

How Do I See This Data?

First, you’ll have to make sure you are signed in with a Google account that has access to the site in Google Search Console. There are two different ways to get the snippet to show up in search results. One method is to search your company name. The second method is to search for a keyword or query that your site is targeting. This way won’t always guarantee a result from Search Console. Below are examples from one of my local clients using both methods.

Company Name: (Not displaying for confidentiality)


Search Query

Here is an example of another client in the Poconos Mountains in Pennsylvania. This isn’t necessarily a keyword we are targeting on their site, but a search query that they rank well for and generated a lot of traffic for them in the fall season.

What does this all mean?

Overall, I think Google created this new feature to make us more aware of Search Console – especially the new version that was recently updated. This snippet isn’t here to warn you about your site’s Search Console data if it is performing bad or not but to get you to check out your website in Search Console more consistently. What can we expect for the future? I think this is just the beginning of Google displaying these snippets in search results. I expect to see a lot more screenshots like this in 2019 from Search Console, as well as Analytics.

Abbey Hadar

Abbey is a Search Analyst at Netvantage SEO, an online marketing company that specialized in SEO, PPC, and social media. At Netvantage, Abbey assists with social media outreach, web optimization, and content creation.

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