Grand Rapids’ Best SEO Company?

Around the office, I always joke about how doing our own SEO is kind of a “the cobbler’s children have no shoes” situation. But, despite my position that Netvantage doesn’t spend enough time on our own SEO, the truth is that we do put some effort into it, and I thought it would be interesting to see how we stacked up by the numbers versus other Grand Rapids SEO companies. This is by no means scientific, but I do think it provides some valuable information when it comes to comparing different local companies. Here are the metrics we’ll use for comparison:

Majestic SEO

Majestic SEO is one of the leading third-party providers of backlink information that’s made commercially available. The following three Majestic metrics will be used for our comparison.

  • Citation Flow. This is a score between 0-100 which helps to measure the link equity or “power” the website or link carries.
  • Trust Flow. This is a score based on quality, on a scale between 0-100. Majestic collated many trusted seed sites based on a manual review of the web.
  • Referring Domains. A referring domain is a website which has a backlink pointing to a page, or link, to the site you are analyzing.

In the world of SEO, it’s important to gain high-quality links to your website. One of the leading SEO communities on the web, Moz, does an annual search ranking factors survey and the last several years the number one highest ranked factor for succeeding in SEO has been the number of referring links. So, obviously, we wanted that as a factor. The other two metrics are used to assess the quality of the links the companies have obtained. Higher Citation Flow and Trust Flow scores typically mean your links come from quality websites.


SpyFu is one of the leading search data companies on the web. They use their database of keyword rankings to estimate how much traffic websites are getting from search based on their positions. Of course, they don’t track every keyword search on the web, but they have a huge database and in my experience, they offer good relative data to gauge who is getting more traffic when comparing sites. We chose one simple metric from SpyFu.

  • Estimated Monthly SEO Clicks. This is the number of clicks this domain gets from all of its organic keywords, calculated off of its average rank/position for each individual keyword for that month.

Let’s face it, link metrics are nice and all, but if a company can’t do proper on-site SEO or create engaging content for their target audiences they’re not going to get traffic. And at the end of the day, an SEO company’s job is to get you traffic, right?

How Grand Rapids SEO Companies Stack Up

Without further adieu, here are the top-ranked Grand Rapids SEO companies as of September 2018 in order, with their associated metrics:

CompanyCitationFlowTrustFlowReferring DomainsSpyFu Estimated Monthly Search Traffic
Grand Rapids SEO26190
Netvantage SEO3433140829200
Corporate Conversions223613
Web Traffic Partners33243587810
616 Marketing Group24228018
Right Key Solutions246250
Online Grand Rapids50130
On-Target SEO171158872
Top Of The List9116613
Swell Marketing2394117
The SEO Chick1861120

So What Does This Mean?

First and foremost, we’re doing a better job on SEO than I thought, especially in comparison to many of our competitors. We’ve done some successful link building campaigns in the past (namely our Domain Hunter Plus tool) and created a lot of valuable guides and research on our blog that have really helped us gain quality links. I’ll be the first to admit that it can be difficult to find the time to do SEO campaigns for your own company, but the proof’s kind of in the pudding, isn’t it? Netvantage’s website would have to count as our lowest priority client, and look what we’ve been able to do for ourselves!

I don’t mean this to disparage any other companies, I’m sure many of these places do fine work, but digging into a few of them might be worth your time if you really want to vet who you’re working with. Below is a list of each company and their website and a link to their location. Why the location? Well, I for one like to know where a company’s located and what kind of resources they have. It would appear that several of these places are run out of the house (by the way, there’s nothing wrong with that) and one appears to be in an alley with a dumpster…which would be a concern if I were a potential customer.

Grand Rapids SEOgrandrapidsseo.orgGrand Rapids
Netvantage SEOnetvantagemarketing.comGrand Rapids
Corporate Conversionscorporateconversions.comGrand Rapids
Web Traffic Partnerswebtrafficpartners.comGrand Rapids
616 Marketing Group616mg.comGrand Rapids
Right Key Solutionsrightkeysolutions.comSouthfield
Online Grand Rapidsonlinegrandrapids.comNo physical address
On-Target SEOon-targetseo.comGrand Rapids
Top Of The Listtopofthelist.netGrand Rapids
Swell Marketingswell.marketingGrand Rapids
The SEO Chicktheseochick.comWayland
Searchiplysearchiply.comGrand Rapids

I won’t make a definitive claim as to who is the best SEO company in Grand Rapids, but I think it’s safe to say that Netvantage is clearly one of the best based on the numbers.

Adam Henige

Adam Henige is Managing Partner of Netvantage SEO. Adam heads the SEO and link building efforts for Netvantage and has been a contributing blogger for industry publications like Search Engine Journal and Moz.

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