Happy Holidays! Now Please Buy This Thing You Don’t Want: Top 3 Ways Websites Have Gotten In the Holiday Spirit

T’is the season for Holiday spam. My inbox literally is oozing with e-mails from businesses and websites sending me holiday well-wishes. Awe, how nice of  them to remember little old me! I WONDER what it is! Maybe it is a coupon! MAYBE A DINOSAUR! MAYBE IT IS SOMETHING I HAVE NEVER EVEN HEARD OF BEFORE! Then, they so kindly direct my attention to their sale or new product. But.. but.. I thought you cared about me. From a marketing standpoint, I understand the angle and in their defense, I could easily hit unsubscribe.

Many businesses opt out of the e-mail bombardment this time of year and instead send good old fashioned snail mail (What’s that? Do snails actually deliver it? That’s actually kind of cool.). If your business primarily deals in the online realm, it can be difficult to make yourself stand out from the rest of the red-and-green-tinsel adorned logos and the cornucopia of colorful holiday e-mails.

Probably due to the fact I spend so much time online, I am pretty much immune to messages being shoved in my face, but still always appreciate the subtle approach. Although time isn’t up for someone to throw their Santa hat into the eggnog (Wait, what?), these are my favorite ways websites have gotten into the Holiday spirit thus far.

3. Third Place goes to YouTube For Making It Rain-err Snow.

YouTube is getting people prepared for inclement weather. Snow falls from the top of your browser while users search YouTube. There has also been a Snow Flake button added to videos on certain users’ accounts that triggers snow to fall across the video. Unfortunately, I haven’t been one of the lucky few yet.

2. 2nd Place Goes to Google For Lighting It Up (I will continue bad rap song puns.)

Ooo! Ahh! Pretty lights. A few days ago, searching ‘let it snow’ prompted the similar snowfall effect as seen on YouTube. Being Google, I knew they would have their bases covered.

Merry Christmas!

Happy Hanukkah!

Happy Kwanzaa!

Yep, that’s about right.

1. 1st Place Goes to LinkedIn For Being Trixy

I’ll admit, LinkedIn got me with this one. Click Who’s Viewed Your Profile On LinkedIn and you’ll notice that a one Snow E. Mann specializing in Independent Snow Management Consulting and hailing form the North Pole has paid your profile a visit. My initial reaction: Who honestly has time to make a fake LinkedIn profile? How annoying. Who is this Goon?

So I clicked on it.


How do you wish your customers or clients a happy holiday?

Happy Holidays from the Netvantage SEO Team!

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