Is your website generating new business?

Roofing is a competitive industry to be in and making sure potential customers can find your business easily is as important as ever. One of the best ways to grow your business while remaining competitive is with roofing SEO. Many roofing businesses have spent good money on websites that are not increasing their traffic or leads. These roofing websites are not performing as they should because oftentimes web design companies are not experts in SEO. What you need is a roofing SEO company who knows how to improve your local search engine rankings. Here at Netvantage SEO, we focus solely on SEO because we know that is the last thing a roofing contractor has time to learn. We are able to deliver the results your company deserves because we are an SEO company, not a web design company that pretends to offer SEO services for roofing businesses.

Why Netvantage is the right choice

If you’re tired of receiving seemingly endless sales pitches from digital marketing companies, you’ve come to the right place. At Netvantage, we pride ourselves on being transparent, not pushy, and allowing our roofing SEO clients see what we’re doing. We understand that you probably don't have a deep knowledge of SEO so our goal is to act as your roofing SEO experts and explain things in plain English so you are able to see how your money is being spent.

We've said it before and we'll say it again. Search marketing is what we do. That's it. The companies that “do it all” make nearly all of their money from building websites, because that is what they’re good at. The issue is that when design is a company’s focus, they are unable to stay up to date on the ever changing world of SEO. Using SEO tactics from 2016 is counterproductive and will not stand a chance against the competition in the roofing industry. You deserve to work with professionals that keep their eyes on all things SEO. Since Netvantage focuses on roofing SEO services, we are able to stay on top of the newest trends and techniques to help roofing companies gain more traffic, rank higher on search engines and most importantly, land more leads.

How we measure success

A lack of measurement is a problem we see frequently in an SEO strategy or in online marketing in general. If you are going to spend your hard earned money on roofing SEO services, you need to be able to see your progress by tracking key metrics. At Netvantage, we understand business which is why we take every opportunity from the very beginning to identify, track and analyze key performance measurements. These metrics can include:

  • Search engine rankings for target keywords
  • Contact forms completed
  • Phone calls
  • Downloads of forms
  • Overall website traffic and traffic from search engines

Every month you'll get a detailed report that analyzes and explains key performance metrics. This allows us to watch trends as well as find new areas for growth and uncovers things that can be improved within our clients' SEO campaigns.

We are thought leaders in SEO

At Netvantage we have developed popular SEO tools that have been used by others in the industry like our Domain Hunter Plus Google Chrome extension. Our staff has been in the trenches of SEO since 2008 which has allowed us to contribute to respected SEO publications like Search Engine Journal and Are you aware of many other roofing SEO companies that can say that?

How roofing SEO is done

It doesn’t take a genius to learn SEO; realistically anyone can do it so long they have the time and patience. We know as a roofer, you are busy with projects and growing your business and probably get hardly any downtime let alone time to learn a whole new industry...which is why we’re here! Our process is effective and straightforward:

Keyword research. The goal of this research is to find the keywords where the roofing services you provide align with the way customers are looking up these services on search engines like Google and Bing. Let’s say your company is located in Cleveland, Ohio. We’ll do research on a local level to see how your local market is looking for your services. Are they looking for “roof repair near me” or “roofing in Cleveland”? We’ll dig into these little details to make sure you’re being positioned for the best search terms.

SEO audit. After we complete the keyword research, we will thoroughly examine your website’s current state while making recommendations about the best way to optimize the meta description, body copy and page title for the targeted keywords. During this audit we may add, remove or edit content as well as suggest technical improvements. We also include a range of technical aspects that search engines look at like schema, links and site speed.

Google My Business optimization. The map listings you find on Google get nearly all their data from Google My Business, a free tool you can manage from Google. We’ll completely optimize your local listing to maximize your potential to appear in local search results.

Reviews. Simply put, reviews are extremely important for a small business like yours. Any new potential customer will probably use Google to search for your services to get an idea of whether you do good work or not. One way they will make this decision is based off your reviews. If you have a few reviews but they are outdated or if you have no reviews at all, we can help. Go ahead and do a search for your own company.

  • What’s the number of reviews you have and the average star rating?
  • Are the reviews within the past few days or years?

Our team will work directly with you to get consistent reviews on your Google My Business so potential customers and Google can both see that your business is popular and trustworthy.

Citation building. In order to show up in local searches like, “roof repair near me”, Google has to be confident that your information is accurate. One way to prove this is through consistent citations across directories. These citations include the basic information about your business like the name, address and phone number. If this information is wrong on different business listings, Google will not be confident in sharing your business to searchers. Our team is able to find and fix current listings as well as create new ones to increase your business’ credibility.

Content development. One of the most important factors in rankings, results pages and traffic is good content. Creating content that your audience and potential clients are searching for will help build the trust and credibility of your website. At Netvantage, we help clients by brainstorming and creating content calendars for a blog or news section of your website. This will show that your business stays on top of the latest roofing topics.

Link building. As mentioned above, search engines increase their confidence in websites that have links pointing at them. These links show that something about your business or content was worth linking on their website, giving search engines their endorsement. We will continuously search for new opportunities to gain quality links and directory listings.

Ongoing review and reporting. Our knowledgeable team will give your roofing company a comprehensive report of what SEO progress we’ve made each month. The report will identify successes and areas of improvement, focusing on key metrics that will help you grow your business.

Are you ready to grow your business?

Fed up with your current contracted roofing SEO company or just looking to get more leads? We’ll give you an honest assessment of where you stand and how are services can help. Just give us a call at 1-877-204-0234 or fill out the contact form below. We look forward to hearing from you.