Search Scoop: Week of January 8th

Happy Monday! Today is Clean Off Your Desk Day, get rid of old paperwork and messes on your desk.

Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:


Abbey Hadar
Abbey Hadar
Top 8 SEO Trends To Follow In 2018 — Wondering what SEO trends and changes will be made in 2018? Here are the top 8 to keep an eye on and implement into your strategy this year.
Adam Henige
Adam Henige
The Definitive Guide To SEO In 2018 — Time to update your thinking on SEO? If you’ve not started concerning yourself with Rankbrain, it might be time to do so.
Breanna Ratering
Breanna Ratering
18 link resolutions for 2018 — New year, new link building strategies. Julie Joyce came out with another link resolution post, but this time 18 resolutions for 2018. I especially agree with #4. Changing up your email language could make a huge difference in the number of responses you get.
Jerod Karam
Jerod Karam
Check This List to See If You’re Still Vulnerable to Meltdown and Spectre — As our reliance on technology increases and as our technology & technological sophistication increases, it is going to become more and more frequent that we hear about vulnerabilities in our platforms. Luckily, software is typically relatively easy to patch. When you hear about hardware vulnerabilities like the new Meltdown and Spectre garbage that we just learned about…well…patches are more difficult to create. Check this article for the latest on whether your operating systems (phones included) are on the “we’re going to try to fix this” list or the “you’re screwed” list. Good luck!
Joe Ford
Joe Ford
5 (less obvious) PPC trends to watch in 2018 — Sometimes the “best of 2017” and “what to look for you in 2018” articles can be fatiguing. Not this one! Five very important trends are listed in this article, including some great insight on Google vs Amazon, and how it will impact digital ads.
Lexie Kimball
Lexie Kimball
How to Use Facebook to Drive More Traffic to Your Blog Posts — Now that we are in the new year, you might have a new social media strategy. If that strategy includes increasing your Facebook reach, this article is for you.
Michael Hall
Michael Hall
SEO Snippets — Google recently launched a playlist in its Google Webmasters Youtube channel called “SEO Snippets”. John Mueller from Google answers a number of frequently asked questions that SEOs provide for him. Even if you’re a seasoned SEO, you’ll likely learn something new from these videos.
Rianna Middleton
Rianna Middleton
What to watch for in 2018: Mobile SEO predictions — Mobile SEO will continue to grow in importance in 2018. Cindy Krum’s post gives a detailed summary of four predictions to watch out for this year.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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