Search Scoop: Week of August 31st

Happy pumpkin everything season! It’s hard to believe that it’s the last day of August and summer is almost officially over.

Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:



Adam HenigeThis article selected by:
Adam Henige
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The Beginner’s Guide to Ranking Videos on YouTube — Have a valuable video? Well, this guide will tell you everything you need to know to get your YouTube video ranked.
Emily ClemonsThis article selected by:
Emily Clemons
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How To Manage Your Old & Outdated Content — Search Engine Land offers some good advice on how to not lose big with Google’s new Panda update and how to revamp old content to keep your site current and rankable.
Jerod KaramThis article selected by:
Jerod Karam
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Referrer Spam Blocker — Until Google gets their act together and blocks spam referral domains by default, we’re left with 3rd party solutions. I’ve tested this one over the last few days and it seems to be a decent quality system. Let’s block spam together. Kumbaya!
Joe FordThis article selected by:
Joe Ford
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Why Doesn’t AdWords Respect PPC Agencies? — I will keep this short. This is the best Search Scoop article I have ever found. Period.
Lexie KimballThis article selected by:
Lexie Kimball
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Pinterest Cheat Sheet: Tips for Pinning Success! — Like any social media platform, it takes time to build up a following on Pinterest. Check out this cheat sheet of Pinterest tips to help speed up the process and get your Pinterest profile noticed.
Michael HallThis article selected by:
Michael Hall
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11 Off-page SEO Strategies to Get More Website Traffic — 11 brilliant strategies to tap to improve link and traffic metrics. They’re all great but my favorites were 1, 2, 7, 8, and 10.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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