Search Scoop: Week of December 7th

Happy Monday!

Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:


Adam Henige
Adam Henige
3 Tips For Planning Your Migration To Google Analytics 4 — Google Analytics 4 is here. Planning your migration is an important process for just about any business if you want to maintain accurate measures of your key performance indicators.
Jerod Karam
Jerod Karam
Nearly A Million Printers At Risk Of Attack, Thousands Hacked To Prove It — A white-hat hacker group used various public tools to scan the internet for exposed & vulnerable printers. They found that they could send print commands to 56% of the printers they found online. If they can send print commands all willy-nilly then the Böse Herren can certainly turn the printers into botnets or use them to infiltrate networks. Secure your network devices, people! …even the benign ones!
Joe Ford
Joe Ford
Holiday marketing: Get the data that puts you ahead of the competition — It is too late to capitalize on holiday PPC strategies. No, not yet in this current COVID situation. Take advantage of some of these holiday PPC planning tips before it is indeed too late.
Kelli Kaufman
Kelli Kaufman
12 SEO Trends to Know for 2021 — What a year 2020 has been…. 2021 is just right around the corner and here’s what you should consider when creating your SEO strategy for the new year. P.S. artificial intelligence is here and has been here for a while so take some time to get a grasp on how that can play a role in your business strategy.
Lexie Kimball
Lexie Kimball
How to Create Google My Business Posts That Get Results — If your Google My Business posts are falling flat, you’ll want to check out this guide on creating engaging posts. It isn’t too late to take advantage of posts for the holiday season.
Michael Hall
Michael Hall
Google’s John Mueller: Long Anchor Text Gives Us More Context — Interesting statement from Google’s John Mueller – longer anchor text can provide more context for Google, which may indirectly impact rankings. Not a shocking statement, but interesting that it’s been confirmed by Google. Does that mean that you should try to get more backlinks with longer anchor text? Should you rework internal links to include more with long-tail keywords? And to what extent does this really make a difference? This would likely need to be done on a page by page basis, and the first place to look would be the search query report for your pages.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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