Search Scoop: Week of February 15th

Happy Monday!

Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:




Adam Henige
Adam Henige
Google Algo Update? Yay or Nay? — This may be a first. Search Engine Roundtable shows some numbers that scream, “There was an algorithm update!” Meanwhile, I ask our staff, “Anybody see any big swings in rankings?” Everyone shrugs. I guess our clients were immune to this one? Or…maybe it wasn’t a thing?
Jerod Karam
Jerod Karam
Can’t Find the Name of a Song? Just Hum or Whistle the Melody to Google — Fresh from the “What Will They Think of Next” Department… Apparently, you have to have the Google search app installed. If you’re on Android you’re in luck. You have to download the specific app if you want to test it on iPhone. I’m too lazy. Tell me how well it works.
Joe Ford
Joe Ford
Google Search dark theme mode expands but search ads are hard to distinguish — In today’s version of news that surprises no one… Google has just released a dark mode version of its SERP. On this, ads are even harder to determine against organic results. Shocking.
Kelli Kaufman
Kelli Kaufman
What Are Traffic Bots? How Traffic Bots Are Causing Havoc Online — Have you ever had a huge spike in your website’s traffic in the matter of a single day? It could be likely that bot traffic is to thank for the spike. This article details what bot traffic is and the difference between good and bad traffic from bots.
Lexie Kimball
Lexie Kimball
How to Find Related Keywords and How to Use Them — If you’re finding yourself with a short keyword list that you want to expand, use this article to help you find more target keywords. Then learn how to implement them into your site’s content.
Michael Hall
Michael Hall
The B2B Content Marketing Report — Some interesting numbers from this study. One that stands out in particular to me is that there’s a huge variance in organic traffic levels for B2B blogs. The median visits from organic traffic are 280, but the top 10% recieve 22,000. If you’re a B2B and are not utilizing your blog, you may be missing out on a large number of visits from your target audience.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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