Search Scoop: Week of January 11th

Today is Clean off Your Desk Day. Everyone take a few minutes and remove some of the clutter on your desk!

Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:


Adam Henige
Adam Henige
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How Much Time Do Marketers Spend on Routine Tasks? — As marketers we often spend far too much of our time on routine, low value tasks. This post from Hubspot digs into the numbers on this subject and if you look in the mirror you might be surprised by what you find.
Emily Clemons
Emily Clemons
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Your Guide to Link Building for SEO in 2016 Link building is still an essential tool in the SEO industry, however there is always a need to audit and adjust your link building strategy to maintain efficiency. Jayson DeMers from Forbes explores the ever evolving process of link building and explains what marketers should expect in the new year.
Jerod Karam
Jerod Karam
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RIP IE: Older versions of Microsoft’s browser lose support next week — I’m not sure who is still using Internet Explorer–on our own site it only represents 5.6% of visitors (which is actually way more than I figured before I looked up the statistics). Regardless, for you and those you love and those for whom you work etc., probably a good idea to upgrade when you see the prompt…
Joe Ford
Joe Ford
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New in AdWords: Adding Search Queries as Keywords Just Got Easier — Hat tip to the Wordstream blog for jumping on a brand new feature for AdWords in 2016. This new feature slickly allow us to add search queries in as keywords with specific bids, including easily copying the bids all the way down.
Lexie Kimball
Kyna Garrett
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What do you need to know about Voice Search? — More than half of U.S. teens use Google voice search, an increasing number of U.S. adults use it, and now Google can understand complex questions. Editor Christopher Ratcliff of Search Engine Watch explains what this could mean for search going forward.
Lexie Kimball
Lexie Kimball
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Backlinking Tools May Not Be as Comprehensive as You Think— Not all backlink tools are created equally; some are substantially better than others. But is your favorite tool really giving you all the data you want?
Michael Hall
Michael Hall
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How to Use Twitter for SEO: Link Building — Some highly actionable tips for building links with the help of Twitter. Plenty of interesting real life examples provided. I thought Tip #3 was a fantastic “well duh, how come I didn’t I think of that?” tip.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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