Search Scoop: Week of July 19th

Happy Monday!

Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:


Adam Henige
Adam Henige
Do you need to hide affiliate links? — If you’re still worrying about whether or not you need to hide affiliate links, John Mueller is here to clarify things for you.
Jerod Karam
Jerod Karam
Ransomware attackers are now using triple extortion tactics — As if you needed any more reason to lock down your shit and implement regular employee trainings… TL;DR Version: The Böse Herren are now demanding separate ransoms for 1) unlocking your encrypted data…and a separate ransom for not making public the data they stole…AND a separate ransome TO YOUR CLIENTS / CUSTOMERS for not making public THEIR data. Lock. Your. Network. Down!
Joe Ford
Joe Ford
The new 2 factors you should be optimizing in PPC — If you are in a scenario where you are using automated PPC tools, looking at ROAS in a new perspective of optimizing conversion values is becoming critical.
Kelli Kaufman
Kelli Kaufman
Your Guide to Google E-A-T & SEO [Ebook] — If you aren’t familiar with the term E-A-T, this article does a great job of explaining it and how it relates to SEO. Also, find out how it can help you improve your rankings on Google.
Lexie Kimball
Lexie Korringa
Google Affirms the Value of Outreach Link Building — Obtaining links is one of the harder parts of our job, but it sure is worth it to help improve a client’s rankings. Learn more about what is okay when it comes to link building and what is in violation with Google in this article.
Michael Hall
Michael Hall
Building Links to Sales Pages — Garrett French takes on a really tough topic – building links to sales pages. Read the article and watch the webinar to learn about the process that Citation Labs uses to generate a list of publisher types for link prospects and identify content ideas that make sales pages more linkable. Well worth a read / listen for serious link builders.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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