Search Scoop: Week of July 20th

Happy Monday! Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:

Adam Henige
Adam Henige
Over 25% of People Click the First Google Search Result — Hey everyone, look! A SERP CTR study!!! I always enjoy data on these because inevitably when you’re speaking at an event or to a client someone will ask about click through rates for organic search so it’s always nice to have some data to answer with.

Jerod Karam
New Ramsay malware can steal sensitive documents from air-gapped networks — “Air gapping” a computer–disconnecting that system from all networks and not allowing external access–is often considered the end-all-be-all of system security. After all, if the computer can only be accessed by physically sitting at the keyboard, then it should be pretty easy to keep Böse Herren on the other side of the world away from it. Enter a new strain of malware called Ramsay. Apparently, it collects and squirrels away data just waiting for an opportunity (USB drive or the like) to exfiltrate that data. Awesome. Now, apparently, the only truly safe computer is the one that is never powered on…

Joe Ford
Decoding decisions to grow online sales — This Search Scoop comes straight from the Google official blog. This post provides a dive into how consumer habits are changing now that users are stuck at home. One interesting stat: “Of people who shop online, 85 percent say product information and pictures are important to them when deciding which brand or retailer to buy from.” While the post weaves in a lot of automated Google Ads tools which always come with a “USER BEWARE” caveat, it does bring up some good information.

Kelli Kaufman
Google: No Way to Optimize Content for Ranking in Google Discover — Optimizing for Google search results and Discover take two different approaches. This article best describes how to go about optimizing for Discover to get your site seen.

Lexie Kimball
Social media marketing on mobile: Grow your business with these 7 mobile content strategies — Want to take your social media marketing to the next level? Utilize this guide from Canva to make your social media stand out on mobile.

Michael Hall
Using Expired Domains to Build Links — Craig Campbell has been putting out a lot of great content recently, particularly related to link building. This is a great video on how to use expired domain names for multiple link building applications.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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