Search Scoop: Week of July 6th

Happy Monday! We hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday weekend. Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:

Adam Henige
Adam Henige
The Local SEO Cheat Sheet [Free PDF Download] — This isn’t anything earth shattering, but if you do local SEO for your business this downloadable cheatsheet is a handy reminder of which boxes you need to check to be set up correctly for local search, especially in Google My Business.

Jerod Karam
Using cPanel’s Addon Domains? There’s A Footprint that links your sites together — Do you suspect that your competitor is using a PBN? …or you’re just curious about things and want to poke around? You might be able to sniff it out using this technique.

Joe Ford
5 Best Practices to Make the Most of Audience Targeting — Audience targeting is becoming more and more important in the PPC campaigns I manage, and we obviously incorporate it into any of our display campaigns. Here are 5 simple common sense suggestions for audience targeting.

Kelli Kaufman
How to Measure Link Building ROI — Have you went through all the work of a link building campaign and now that it’s all said and done, what do you do now? This post walks you through the process of measuring ROI for all the work you just did.

Lexie Kimball
Blog post checklist: how to optimize for search engines — Creating blog content, but it isn’t turning into traffic? Make sure it has been optimized for search engines using this checklist from Yoast.

Michael Hall
63 SEO Statistics for 2020 — The average cost of buying a link is $361.44, 73.6% of domains have reciprocal links, and around 8% of search queries are phrased as questions. Read through 60 more SEO statistics in this very interesting post.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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