Anyone in the search marketing industry will tell you that it is a constantly changing industry. Google is frequently making changes to how they determine rankings, which means search marketers are always learning to keep up. One way we do that at Netvantage is by reading the latest articles from industry gurus and sharing them among each other. Since we do this so often, we thought it was about time to start sharing the articles with our readers as well, hence the start of Search Scoop, a weekly compilation of what we consider to be valuable reads.
Google AdWords Smart Annotations Test Continues To Roll Out – Google has been experimenting with an additional line of text in paid advertisements. The line of text, which is pulled from the landing page of the ad, has shown to improve click through rate performance.
7 top tips to avoid a Google Penguin penalty in 2014 – Find out how link builders need to change their thought process in 2014. Additionally, if your site has been hit with Panda and Penguin related penalties, this article has some great points on trying to understand and fix them.
4 Steps to Building an Engaging Presence on Social Media – Social media can be a powerful marketing tool for brands since it is a staple in our daily lives. In order for social media to be valuable, engagement with customers is key, which can be done by following the easy steps in this article.
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