Search Scoop: Week of March 30th

We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy! Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:

Adam Henige
Adam Henige
Winners and losers: How COVID-19 is affecting search behavior — Stuck at home and in need of more random information to consume? We’ve seen some interesting traffic numbers across our various client sectors, but rather than assemble my own blog post, I’ll be lazy and share the impacts of the Coronavirus on search from George Nguyen’s perspective on SearchEngineLand.

Elyse Motte
Google Trends is Useful During Coronavirus — Use Google Trends to your advantage during the Coronavirus pandemic! This article shows you how you can find and use various trending searches and leverage them for your business, clients, and content.

Jerod Karam
Google Offers Free Google Ads Credits for Small Businesses — Google is providing several million dollars in free ad credits for small businesses that had an active AdWords account during the last year. If you’ve had an active AdWords account and want some free advertising, go get you some!

Joe Ford
Reducing digital marketing due to COVID-19? Read this first — A very timely article on evaluating digital marketing analytics and tactics in this down economy. Especially poignant was the references to SEO.

Kelli Kaufman
How to Create a Goal in Google Analytics to Track Conversions — If you have an e-commerce store, it should be essential that you set up goal tracking in Google Analytics. This guide will walk you through the basics and how to get started with creating a goal.

Lexie Kimball
25 Tips for Updating Old Blog Posts for SEO & Boosting Organic Traffic — This article on updating blog posts is on the longer side, but has a lot of great tips on determining which blog posts are worth updating and what you should be thinking about when making updates.

Michael Hall
Google is Asked About Advance Warning of Penalties — Ever wonder why Google does not send warnings in Search Console before placing a link-based penalty on a website? Google’s John Mueller provides an explanation. In short, you shouldn’t expect to see any kind of communication from Google before a link-based penalty is placed on your website.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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