Search Scoop: Week of November 22nd

Happy Monday!

Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:


Adam Henige
Adam Henige
The only link building tools you need in 2021 — I’m not going to lie, there are a few of these I haven’t used, but this is a nice walk through of some valuable tools and the processes they can be used for to build more links.
Jerod Karam
Jerod Karam
Apple gives PC owners a full-fledged password manager. Here’s how to use it I’ve harped on passwords before…a lot… Here is one more free tool that you can use to help you keep yourself secure. Now I just need to convince my wife to use it… *sigh*
Joe Ford
Joe Ford
Demand forecasts, consumer interest and audience insights are coming to Google Ads’ Insights Page — In a welcome development from Google Ads, new features that will help search marketers better plan and anticipate keyword demand are being added in the near future.
Lexie Kimball
Lexie Korringa
Hreflang: The Easy Guide for Beginners — If your website is available in multiple languages, you should be using the hreflang tag. If you’re not sure what that is, check out this article to learn what it is, why you need to utilize it for SEO, and how to implement it.
Michael Hall
Michael Hall
8 Link Building Strategies You Need to Know — This is a quick overview of some of the most widely used link building strategies. While every link building campaign should be tailored for a website or content type, the most successful link building campaigns will generally follow one of these strategies. Important to note that people use different names for different link building strategies. For example, I’d say that the “Moving Man” strategy is more commonly known as “Broken Link Building”.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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