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If you’d like to guest post on our site, please send along your blog or blog idea that targets an intermediate to advanced SEO, paid search, web analytics or social media audience. We love talking about actionable information and techniques and will show preference towards those who can stick with our theme. We can only write so much, so we’re always looking for more great info.
Read our guidelines below and then get in touch with us.
- Can you add links? Yes, but don’t be spammy. 2-3 links to your site in the body are fine, but be reasonable.
- Required length? We don’t really care. If you can say something valuable in 150 words, go for it. If you write a 10,000 word manifesto, it better be really interesting, we don’t want to put anyone to sleep here either.
- How many outbound links is too many? If the links add value for the reader, we don’t really care. If you have a list of 50 incredible things, then put 50 links.
Just contact us with your idea and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Image by Lady Madonna
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