Search Scoop: Week of August 8th

Happy 8-8-16 day! On this day in 1988, Wrigley Field hosted its first night game. Wrigley Field is only 4 miles from our Chicago office!

Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:


Abbey Hadar
Abbey Hadar
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Suffered a rankings drop? Use this checklist to diagnose why — Experiencing a drop in rankings but not sure why? New links, algorithm changes, and click-through rates are all possible explanations. Use this 10-point checklist created by columnist Ian Bowden to help troubleshoot your loss in rankings and organic traffic.
Adam Henige
Adam Henige
5 Ways To Use Google Analytics for Your UX Research — As I was working on an Analytics project recently I was reminded of this great post on how to use Google Analytics as a basis for doing UX research. Google Analytics is awesome. That’s all I got.
Jerod Karam
Jerod Karam
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Google Enhances Its Security By Enabling HSTS Encryption For — Google is now ready to implement HSTS security across most of its web properties. In layman’s terms, they are going to make it so that every page element is forced to use an excypted connection or that page element will not be displayed. One step closer to the safest internets ever…
Joe Ford
Joe Ford
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Google expanded text ads are live, and device bidding & responsive ads for native roll out — Last week brought a monumental change in AdWords with the roll out in expanded text ads, and a forced change for all accounts occurring on October 20th. Ginny Marvin walks us through the main points of this massive change in ad layouts.
Lexie Kimball
Kyna Garrett
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Google will show Olympics highlights in search results — The opening ceremony for the Olympic Games Rio 2016 was Friday and if you need to check the event schedule or the results, look no further than Google’s SERPs. Simply typing “When are the Rio Olympics?” as a search query will bring up an entire list of events. So if you’re trying to catch a specific event, find out athlete stats, or see video highlights, Google’s got you covered.
Lexie Kimball
Lexie Kimball
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27 Detailed Ways to Generate New Blog Post Ideas — Have a blog, but struggle to consistently come up with new and fresh ideas for content? Then this article is for you! Author Rae Hoffman shares 27 ways to help determine new blog post ideas, including a few of my favorites!
Michael Hall
Michael Hall
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How To Design an SEO Content Map — Great post on how to create a content map for content development. Includes best approaches for going after both easy and more challenging keywords, developing a content structure, and poaching keywords by looking at your existing content.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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