Search Scoop: Week of March 30th

Way to go Spartans!

Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:



Adam HenigeThis article selected by:
Adam Henige
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Google Provides Advice to Site Owners Ahead of April 21st Mobile-Friendly Algorithm Change — When Google says, “Jump” you should say, “How high?” Rarely does Google give you clear advanced notice of what’s to come, so this primer on being mobile friendly should get your attention.
Andrea BarnesThis article selected by:
Andrea Barnes
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How to Stop Spam Bots From Ruining Your Analytics Referral Data — I’m sure you’ve been made aware by these spammy bots that keep on messing with your Referral traffic in Google Analytics. The more they keep popping up, the more you just want to flush them out of your sight. Here’s Jared Gardner’s multiple solutions on how to shut these bots down!
Jerod KaramThis article selected by:
Jerod Karam
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The latest version of Android could keep your data safe on public WiFi — Fresh in from the One-More-Way-For-Google-To-Know-Everything-About-You Department… Now it looks like the next version of Android will allow you to connect through Google’s network via VPN when you’re on a public connection. It’s to “keep your data safe.” Yeah…sure… Deep down I like Google and I like the products & services they offer, but this “Trust us, we’ll do you right” message they’re sending is a little frightening.
Joe FordThis article selected by:
Joe Ford
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The Essential In-Depth Overview of PPC Bid Management — Bidding in PPC is one of the most difficult aspects of managing a campaign. This article does a very nice job of detailing some guidelines on bidding and using the perspective of timing and conversions in your bid strategies.
Lexie KimballThis article selected by:
Lexie Kimball
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A cheat sheet for online content —Different types of content require different types of writing; use this cheat sheet to help you develop the proper writing style for what you are trying to achieve.
Michael HallThis article selected by:
Michael Hall
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The Impact of IP Host Location on Your Site SEO — Where is your website’s IP address location? Based on Richard Baxter’s findings, it is extremely important to make sure you have it located in the same country that your business is located.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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