Search Scoop: Week of May 15th

Today’s National Chocolate Chip Day! Enjoy a cookie or two!

Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:


Abbey Hadar
Abbey Hadar
The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority — When it comes to ranking #1 in local search, there are multiple factors that come into play. In this article, learn how to show local searchers that you are an expert in your niche through content, reviews, FAQ, CTAs, and more.
Adam Henige
Adam Henige
The Secret Lives of Google Raters — Google’s algorithm gets a lot of attention, but the human Google Raters are a mysterious component behind Google that few people know much about. This article gets into the fascinating, and surprising world of what Google Raters do, how much they’re paid, and how important they are to the product.
Breanna Ratering
Breanna Ratering
8 technical issues holding your content back — Content is everything nowadays, almost every website has a blog. While content is great and draws visitors, ignoring the technical set-up of a website can hurt the traffic you worked so hard for when creating content. Here are eight common technical issues and ways to fix them before you start creating more content.
Jerod Karam
Jerod Karam
Why You Should Republish Old Blog Content — Boy…Entrepreneur Magazine has been on a roll as far as publishing articles pertinent to the SEO game. Maybe this week’s “lesson” should be “read Entrepreneur Magazine.” Regardless, in this article, they make a good case for updating and re-publishing old blog posts. I know that there have been many times I look for information only to find that a tutorial on “how to do XYZ in Google Docs” was written in 2012 and the step-by-step instructions are useless. This is a good tip.
Joe Ford
Joe Ford
3 tactics we’re using for Answer Boxes — Answer boxes are continuing to take up valuable real estate in SERPs for questions based searches. This article shares some nice tips on how to position and structure your content to show up in position “0”.
Lexie Kimball
Lexie Kimball
Google Develops Machine Learning System to Recognize Business Names from Street View Images — Google is taking Google My Business one step further with the help of Street View. Google is going to take the images and videos, which are updated often for accuracy, and use a new machine to read business names off of signs and update GMB listings. This is still in early stages, but it will be interesting to see how it affects GMB listings.
Michael Hall
Michael Hall
How many keywords can you rank for with one page? (Ahrefs’ study of 3M searches) — We typically have a rule of thumb of optimizing pages to rank for 2-3 keyword targets, but the reality is that pages can rank for many more high volume keywords. This is an interesting study showcasing the variety of other keywords that pages can rank for, given their position for a certain keyword.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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