Search Scoop: Week of May 16th

On Thursday, we celebrated our 8th anniversary! Take a look back at our changing website over the years.

Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:


Abbey Hadar
Abbey Hadar
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Google’s mobile-friendly algorithm boost has rolled out — On May 12th, Google finally rolled out the new mobile-friendly algorithm. This update is supposed to give an additional ranking boost for mobile-friendly websites. However this update is a page-by-page signal, so the impact can be slow to roll-out fully.
Adam Henige
Adam Henige
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4 Causes for Search Traffic Plateaus (and How to Fix Them) — A nice article by Neil Patel on how to investigate search traffic plateaus. If you’ve never hit one of these, you will, and this is a nice list of things to examine that might be the cause(s) of said plateau.
Jerod Karam
Jerod Karam
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UC Davis apologizes for trying to bury pepper spray incident — If a seasoned SEO veteran were to read carefully, you would probably be able to discern that UC Davis hired a firm to do some reverse SEO–trying to bury legitimate news stories by flooding the SERP with contrived positive-spin stories. We’ve had a very small handful of reverse SEO clients over the years. It’s always interesting to see what people want buried. I’d be interested also to hear your reverse SEO stories. Hit me up in the comments.
Joe Ford
Joe Ford
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Google Analytics Adds AdWords Sitelinks Reporting— Reporting and tracking clicks from Sitelinks – which I know are often a very important source of quality clicks in my campaigns – just became easier in Google Analytics.
Lexie Kimball
Kyna Garrett
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Why Internet links are blue, and what Google’s ‘black’ experiment means — There’s been rumors circulating that black is the new blue on Google’s search result pages. Google is testing out changing hyperlink text from blue to black, and this article explains what this experiment might mean for users.
Lexie Kimball
Lexie Kimball
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Are Organic Search Results Still About the Fold? — A little over two months ago, Google removed the right-side paid ads. At the time SEOs knew it was going to effect a website’s organic search results, but didn’t know the extent. This study looked at the changing Google layout to determine if the organic search results are still above the fold.
Michael Hall
Michael Hall
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Link building is hard. Get over it. — Links are incredibly important for SEO. There’s no denying that. If your marketing campaigns, whatever they are called, are aimed at improving search engine rankings then link building has to be a critical piece of the puzzle.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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