Search Scoop: Week of November 17th

Happy Monday! Only 10 days until Thanksgiving! Who is getting excited?

Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:


Adam HenigeThis article selected by:
Adam Henige
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Panda Report – How to Find Low Quality Content By Comparing Top Landing Pages From Google Organic — Been hit by Google Panda? This post does a nice job of finding the pages hit hardest on your site.
Andrea BarnesThis article selected by:
Andrea Barnes
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3 Types of Content You Must Create to Improve SEO and Drive Lots of Website Traffic — We already know that content drives traffic, but what are the three ingredients that will cook up the most magical potion that search engines will love? Here’s an engaging infographic by Mark Ford of Red Website Design Blog.
Jerod KaramThis article selected by:
Jerod Karam
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The Net Neutrality Debate in 2 Minutes or Less — “Net Neutrality” has been creeping into the public conversation again recently since President Obama wrote an open letter the Chairman of the FCC expressing his support for the concept. If you are new to the idea of Net Neutrality, here is a short summary of the arguements. Don’t be fooled by the colloquial language of the article; infomation contained therein is a great summary. Also, watch the Netvantage Blog in the coming weeks for a little more elaboration on the subject.
Joe FordThis article selected by:
Joe Ford
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Managing your accounts at scale, made easier — This week’s Search Scoop article comes actually comes right from the Google AdWords blog. This post highlights new features on implementing bulk edits in Google AdWords. At first glance, it looks like a nice new feature.
Lexie KimballThis article selected by:
Lexie Kimball
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“Black Friday” Has Become a Season Unto Itself – and It Started November 1st — Black Friday used to be one of my favorite days of the year, but now it isn’t just a day anymore. This article looks at how Black Friday has started earlier and earlier and how marketers are adapting to the change.
Michael HallThis article selected by:
Michael Hall
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How to Judge the Value of Keywords for Your Business — You shouldn’t just assume that a keyword is valuable for your business – you should investigate and test the keyword! Additionally, there may be keyword opportunities that you may be missing out on. Moosa Hemani explains how.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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