Search Scoop: Week of October 30th

Today is Candy Corn Day! Who is indulging in Halloween candy a little early?

Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:


Abbey Hadar
Abbey Hadar
Ignoring these 6 SEO strategies could come back to haunt you — Don’t get haunted this Halloween by ignoring these 6 SEO strategies on your website. Learn how to implement these strategies into your website so you can gain higher rankings instead of nightmarish consequences.
Adam Henige
Adam Henige
An Insider’s Guide to Using Google’s Search Console to Fix Your Site — I get a lot of questions asked about Google Search Console and this post is probably where I’ll direct them to for answers moving forward. This is a very thorough examination of what Search Console is and how you can benefit from it.
Breanna Ratering
Breanna Ratering
Your Content Strategy Needs More Consistency — Content creation is one of the most important parts of a marketing strategy. We all know that! However, building a consistent content creation and distribution strategy helps keep your audience interested. Hubspot details how exactly to formulate a content creation strategy that drives results.
Jerod Karam
Jerod Karam
Is Your Business Prepared for a Cyber Attack? — Small businesses are not immune to cyber attack. Follow this handy flowchart and make sure you’ve checked the boxes to secure your business as best as possible.
Joe Ford
Joe Ford
Alaphabet (GOOG) third quarter beats estimates: $27.8 billion, revenues up 24% — Google reported another ho hum $27 billion quarter in Q3 of 2017. As SERPs continue to get monetized and display ads get bigger and responsive, expect revenue trend to keep increasing.
Lexie Kimball
Lexie Kimball
How to optimize your content for Q&As — With Google’s layout change for search results, having your content used for a featured snippet is more important than ever. This article shares how to create Q&A content to help your content show up in position zero of the search results.
Michael Hall
Michael Hall
In Memoriam: Link Building Pioneer Eric Ward Has Died — The SEO community lost a great mind in Eric Ward this past week. I distinctly remember being a senior in College in early 2011, not entirely sure what I wanted to do, and being told by my professors that the best sources of information related to Internet Marketing are found on websites like Search Engine Journal and Search Engine Land. Eric was one of the authors I would frequently read and his articles inspired me to continue pursuing a career in a dynamic and fascinating industry that is Search Engine Marketing.
Rianna Middleton
Rianna Middleton
SEO Ranking Factors in 2017: What’s Important and What’s Not — With only two months left of 2017, it’s important to recap on what factors are important for rankings in SEO. With more changes and tweaks sure to come in 2018, this article will help you lock down your strategy before the new year.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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