Search Scoop: Week of April 28th

Search Scoop Logo April 28Happy Monday! Only five days until it’s the weekend; until then here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:

What To Do After the Guest Blogging Apocalypse — We talk to people all the time panicked about their site’s loss of traffic or declining rankings. Quite often, there’s no manual penalty that comes along with it. More and more Google seems to be devaluing links, and Jon Cooper does a nice job here explaining how relying too much on a previously white hat tactic (guest blogging) can get you in a heap of trouble.

How to Encourage User Reviews: Tips for Small Business — SEO professionals can preach about the importance of online business reviews, but we can’t actually get reviews for you. If you’re struggling to get reviews for your business, the tips in this article are extremely valuable; we like them so much that we are going to start using a couple of these tactics ourselves!

Breaking AdWords Announcements – A Renewed Focus on Users — Aaron Levy, a hockey playing PPCer like Managing Partner Joe Ford, writes a new recap on the new Google AdWords product announcement video-stream on 4/22.

Is Negative SEO Public Enemy #1? — You may have heard about negative SEO, especially now that it is being covered by big time news outlets like Forbes and Entrepreneur. Is negative SEO Public Enemy #1? Michael Bartholow says “Don’t believe the hype,” but provides ways to catch and prevent negative SEO from happening to your website.



Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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