Search Scoop: Week of August 3rd

Happy Monday! Can you believe it is already August? Where did the summer go?

Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:



Adam HenigeThis article selected by:
Adam Henige
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31 Link Building Tactics Discovered From Competitive Analysis — If you can’t beat’em, join’em. Some very cool lessons shared from doing competitive link analysis.
Emily ClemonsThis article selected by:
Emily Clemons
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How To Increase Organic Traffic: 6 Handy Blogging Tips — This article on Business 2 Community’s blog outlines some simple practices that anyone can utilize when trying to get more traffic on their blogs.
Jerod KaramThis article selected by:
Jerod Karam
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How To Cement Your Local SEO Footprint In Google: 4 Easy Steps — My uncle, who is currently having a new website built for his business, was asking me about Google My Business and setting up a listing. I found this great little tutorial / summary on making Google Local work for you. Good schtuffs here…
Joe FordThis article selected by:
Joe Ford
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Google Home Services Ads For Locksmiths, Plumbers Hit San Francisco Market — The largest splash in the world of PPC came this week when it was discovered that Google was rolling out a test of in the San Francisco area for service provider based queries, such as plumbers. If this is implemented nationwide it will have a large impact on how AdWords advertisers for service providers use the platform.
Lexie KimballThis article selected by:
Lexie Kimball
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3 Red flags to identify unsavory SEO agencies — Not sure what search engine marketing company is best for your business? Avoid the company if you see any of the signs mentioned in this article.
Michael HallThis article selected by:
Michael Hall
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18 Tools to Speed Up Link Building — From prospecting to outreach, link building can be a repetitive process that eats up time – the tools shared in this article can be used to help speed up link building. Learned a few great ones myself!

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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