Search Scoop: Week of February 3rd

Happy Monday! Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:

Adam Henige
Adam Henige
I wrote 1 blog post every day for 2 years. Here’s 5 things I learned about SEO — Some people can’t find things to blog about once per month, but Flavio blogged every day for two years. He learned some useful lessons along the way.

Elyse Motte
How to Use Tools to Determine Which Content to Re-Optimize: A Step-by-Step Guide — It makes a lot more sense to re-optimize content that has the potential to increase traffic than content that will not. If you get hung up on re-optimizing old content, these tools will help make sure your efforts are worth your time.

Jerod Karam
Be Careful What You Click: This Texas Schol District Lost $2.3 Million in a Phishing Scam — Don’t click links in your email. I may have said that before. DON’T CLICK LINKS IN YOUR EMAILS!

Joe Ford
What I See Coming For The Channel In 2020 — In departing from the normal PPC angle with this, I found this Forrester article on how channel marketing, consuming purchasing and B2B buying will pivot in 2020 very interesting.

Kelli Kaufman
Why Small Business Marketing Needs To Focus On Human-To-Human Interactions — For small businesses, is social media even worth your time anymore? This article has an interesting take on a marketing approach for small business that focuses on human to human interaction with stats to back it up. Should you ditch social media all together? Probably not, but do consider the value that face to face interactions with your customers provides.

Lexie Kimball
Google: Webpages with Featured Snippets Won’t Appear Twice on Page 1 — Well it finally happened, Google won’t allow a website on the first page of organic listings if they are the featured snippet. It’s still too early to see how this will affect most websites, but it definitely has some SEOs shaking in their boots.

Michael Hall
How to Use Stock Photo Libraries for Link Building — Know anyone who’s into photography? This is a very unique and creative link building strategy and/or idea for a website. In a nutshell, you supply high-quality images that other sites need, offer them for free, and request a link for using your image.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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