Search Scoop: Week of February 8th

Today is Clean out your Computer Day! Get to work!

Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:



Adam Henige
Adam Henige
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The Uncensored Guide to Promoting a Blog Post — Ever wondered how to aggressively promote your blog like the pros? Neil Patel walks you through every step of the process.
Emily Clemons
Emily Clemons
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Google Revamps Mobile Travel Search Results, Almost Making Web Results Irrelevant — Google has updated their mobile-user interface for travel searches by creating a more user friendly process that almost entirely eliminates organic web results. Barry Schwartz of Search Engine Land walks us through Google’s revamp, explaining how this may affect those optimizing for travel related searches.
Joe Ford
Joe Ford
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The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on PPC Ad Copy — One of my favorite PPC experts in the industry Melissa Mackey has a good post on simple reminders for writing strong ad copy in PPC, complete with a handy cheat sheet.
Lexie Kimball
Kyna Garrett
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Social Media: The Next Best Search Engine — When it comes to search engines, don’t count out social media platforms. Twitter’s search tool is one of the most highly-used search functions for content and trending topics, along with Pinterest and Facebook. This Business2Community article takes an interesting look at how 2016 will link the future of search and social media.
Lexie Kimball
Lexie Kimball
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What Is A Local Search Citation? — With local SEO continuing to grow, it is important to understand what a citation is. This article is great for learning the basics of local search citations.
Michael Hall
Michael Hall
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6 Ways To Scale Link Building in 2016 — Six really creative and unique link building strategies that are scalable. Very unique approach to using HARO to get links and plenty of tools and how to use them. I thought tips #3 and #4 were particularly interesting.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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