Search Scoop: Week of July 6th

Today is Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day…we are close enough to webmasters so be sure to let us know where to meet you for lunch. 🙂 We hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend!

Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:



Adam HenigeThis article selected by:
Adam Henige
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Local Citation Cleanup Hack: Check BBB — Since I’ve been doing so much local SEO lately, little things like this post on using the BBB to find old NAP info have come in really handy if you’re trying to clean up a messy citation profile.
Emily ClemonsThis article selected by:
Emily Clemons
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The Evolution of SEO Trends Over 25 Years — This comical representation of how SEO has evolved over the last 25 years also showcases just how important using SEO tactics really are to the success of a site.
Jerod KaramThis article selected by:
Jerod Karam
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Yahoos trying to trick you into switching search engines — This scheme isn’t new–for decades companies have been paying Oracle to force a change to your computer when you install a Java update. I’m reporting on this more to make you aware that it’s going to happen than to reveal some new and nefarious scheme.
Joe FordThis article selected by:
Joe Ford
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Reassessing The Classical Definition of ROI — Everyone is chasing ROI – that is the defnition of sucess in marketing and in business. This article helps provide different perspectives on evaluating your ROI.
Lexie KimballThis article selected by:
Lexie Kimball
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12 Things I Learned From Managing 100+ Facebook Fan Pages — Author Stephanie Frasco provides tips that are excellent for both new and veteran social media managers.
Michael HallThis article selected by:
Michael Hall
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Link Building Tactics for Fashion Websites — Great post on link building in the fashion industry. The majority of approaches are applicable to other industries, and there are some nice tools and articles mentioned in the article that are worth checking out.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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