Search Scoop: Week of June 24th

Happy Monday!

Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:


Abbey Hadar
Abbey Deak
SEO Tips: How to Write a Title That Google Will Love — Once you have found the right keywords to target on each of your website’s pages, it’s important to write a page title that Google will love, and that users will click on. Check out these useful guidelines for writing effective SEO titles.
Adam Henige
Adam Henige
Link Building Outreach: 6 Email Templates to Build Solid Backlinks — Getting links is hard. Figuring out how to ask for them and actually earn them is an art form. This article provides some solid starting points for effective outreach.
Elyse Motte
Elyse Motte
5 Trends to Know in SEO & Content Marketing — According to this article, the average person spends over 11 hours a day consuming content…that’s crazy. Content marketing has evolved so much in the past year and keeping up with trends is crucial for a brand’s growth. Check out these 5 content marketing & SEO trends to make your content more valuable.
Jerod Karam
Jerod Karam
Official AMP Plugin for WordPress Now Supports AMP Stories — Everyone uses WordPress and anyone using WordPress should be using AMP. AMP = fast and Google-friendly…and that means higher rankings and more visibility in the SERP. The official AMP plugin for WordPress has just gotten a re-design to allow drag-n-drop creating of AMP stories. Give it a whirl.
Joe Ford
Joe Ford
3 key tenets of successful full funnel search — One of my favorite things in search engine marketing is a funnel analysis based on keyword queries. This article on full funnel intent breaks down the process of using these queries and how to develop a strategy for those at different stages of the search process.
Kelli Kaufman
Kelli Kaufman
Moz’s Page Speed Resource — Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool is extremely valuable when it comes to improving your site’s speed and narrowing it down to what is slowing down your pages the most. This resource does a nice job of explaining the best practices for improving your page speed and explaining what the PageSpeed Insights’ data means.
Lexie Kimball
Lexie Kimball
SEO is Changing: 35 Stats to Guide Your Future SEO Strategy —  SEO is ever-evolving. Voice search has been increasing in popularity, but just how often is it being used? This infographic has some staggering stats on voice search such as 20% of mobile searches are done via voice. I personally am interested to see how that number rises over the next 6 months and even year.
Michael Hall
Michael Hall
How to Leverage Offline Events for Link Building — Link building might be one of the last things you think about when organizing an event, but it can be a great opportunity to get a high-quality link or two for your website. This article has some great tips and ideas for getting links from influencers, event listing sites, and attendees.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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