Search Scoop: Week of June 2nd

Search Scoop Logo June 2
Happy Monday! It’s finally June and hopefully the weather in Michigan continues to feel like it! Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:

Google Panda vs. Google Penguin Updates — As an SEO, like any job, it’s easy to speak in your own language and assume people know the ins and outs of your business and can keep up with your vernacular. We talk about Panda and Penguin all the time, but what do those updates really mean? This post does a nice job summing up what these algorithm updates are and how they impact websites.

Working With a New PPC Client: 7 Ways to Drive AdWords Strategies & Objectives — Whether you are at a PPC agency that takes on new clients, or taking over a new PPC project internally, there are several key items to consider. This article lays out some good reminders when looking at an account for the first time.

Here’s How to Get Google To Delete Search Results — If there’s one thing that can precede Google’s biting policies, that will be the European Court of Justice’s ‘right to be forgotten’ ruling. On May 13th, the Court made a decision that allows individuals to  have links to ‘outdated information’ removed from search results at their request. Although this may be good news to people with a criminal record, it’s a controversial ruling especially when the public’s right to information is impeded. What’s your say on this? Or will you be submitting the removal form soon?

Fetch As Google Is Getting Better, Now Renders Pages As Googlebot Sees Them — Matt Cutts announced earlier this week that the Fetch as Google tool in Webmaster Tools has improved. Included is the option to Fetch and Render, making it easier for website owners to know when a Google bot sees your website differently than a user would. Learn more about the practical uses of Fetch and Render in Google Webmaster Tools.

Is Facebook Marketing Dead?…Here’s a Surprising Answer — Frustrated with the lack of organic views your posts are getting on Facebook? Check out this article for tips on how to improve your Facebook engagement, thus improving your organic views.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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