Search Scoop: Week of May 26th

Search Scoop Week of May 26

Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all of those Americans who have served our country; we are truly grateful for the sacrifices you have made. Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:

Google Targets Spammy Queries With Payday Loans Algorithm Update — Did you notice anything crazy in your rankings this past weekend? If so, it wasn’t Panda or Penguin, it was actually a Payday Loans update. Most online indicators (Mozcast in particular) showed off the chart shifts in rankings.

Integrate Your WordPress Blog with Google+ — For those of you in the industry, you know that Google+ is one of the most frustrating social media platforms out there. To make your life a little easier, Eileen Lonergan put together a guide for combining WordPress with Google+.

Panda Update 4.0: Winners and Losers — Google USA — Did you see any irregular changes on May 20? Your site may be one of the winners or losers after the launch of Panda 4.0 by Google. And not only that, but our favorite search engine has also released Payday Loans 2.0 targeting spammy queries on the same day. Up to 7.5% of English search queries are projected to be impacted. Have you been hit hard by these updates? Find out the biggest winners and losers and may we learn from their examples.

Deconstructing’s Organic Loss Using SEMrush — Spoiler Alert! eBay was a loser with the launch of Panda 4.0 by Google. Losing an estimated 80% of their organic rankings in Google – Ouch! Rishi Lakhani breaks down the keywords that eBay saw drop, how they also saw a drop in the UK SERPs, and the site structure eBay used that resulted in their Google penalty.

Best Lead Generation Tips from 22 PPC Experts — Here is a great compilation of lead generation advice from 22 experts in the PPC field.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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