Search Scoop: Week of October 28th

Happy Monday! Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:

Adam Henige
Adam Henige
Google Search adds support for FAQ and How-to structured data —  When something was ubiquitous my grandmother used to say, “You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a(n) {insert ubiquitous thing}.” As an ode to Rosie, I’m going to steal her phrase. “You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting some new kind of structured data these days.” And so it goes for FAQs and how-tos now, too.

Elyse Motte
Online Writing in 2020 & Beyond: 25 To-Dos & Not To-Dos — We all know how important good content is for SEO – this article would be especially helpful for writers that are learning SEO. Here are some valuable do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when writing; some of the tips are obvious but others may take your content to the next level.

Jerod Karam
US City Rejects $5.3 Million Ransom Demand and Restores Encrypted Files from Backup —  THANK FLIPPING CHRIST FOR A SMALL SLICE OF SANITY IN IDIOTIC BUREAUCRACY!!! This is how it’s SUPPOSED to work! Take regular backups, s#!t goes south with your data, restore from backup. Problem solved! A small part of me cringes that it was somewhere in Massachusetts that got this right first…but kudos to them nonetheless! Good job, New Bedford, Mass I.T. Department!

Joe Ford
Digital Marketing Report —  It is very rare for us to find articles that are behind a wall. However, the Merkle Digital Reports every quarter give very good glimpses into what the trends are in the current marketing landscape. For Q3, Merkle is reporting that spending on search ads grew 16% year over year, while organic clicks year over year on mobile fell at 9%. with overall organic visits down 3%. This shows us the ever-increasing monetization and share of clicks from search.

Kelli Kaufman
45 Essential Social Media Marketing Statistics for 2019 —  It’s almost 2020 and with that being said, if your business still isn’t present on at least one social media platform, you’re losing out on business. Bottom line. These social media stats are pretty powerful and with the world population’s use of social media continuously growing, it’s time to focus a portion of your marketing strategy towards social media if you aren’t already.

Lexie Kimball
10 Ways Brands Forfeit Their Branded Search —  Netvantage customers often focus on a handful of keywords they think are vital for their business, but SEO is more than that. It is important to look at and take advantage of your branded searches too, especially with the rise of voice search. If you’re not taking advantage of branded search, you’ll want to check out this article so you stop missing out on potential business.

Michael Hall
Google’s John Muller On Link Velocity and Penalties —  If I get too many links in a short time period, will that be a bad thing? The number of acquired links / time is known as link velocity, and it has been brought up again and again over the years. This article does a good job of addressing the question. Long story short – it depends on the method used to acquire the links.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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