Seven Social Media Post Ideas for Contractors

As a contractor, social media is probably low on the list of priorities when it comes to your business. Even though it is low on your list, that doesn’t mean you should ignore it altogether. If you are just getting started, it can be overwhelming coming up or continuing to develop social media posts though. We’ve rounded up some post ideas to help keep your social media content calendar full.

1. Before and After Photos

When someone is looking to hire a contractor, they have an end result in mind already. If you are sharing before and after pictures on social media, it’s possible that your end result is in line with a potential customer’s vision. Before and after photos are also a great way to show the quality of your work.

2. This or That Photos

One way to create engagement is to ask questions along with visuals. For example, would you go with a simple white tile or add a pop of black tile? Then sharing a simple picture below of the two side by side and allowing people to share their answer in the comments. You can make it even simpler by having the like engagement stand for the simple white tile and the heart engagement stand for white and black tile.

3. Tradeshows & Events

If your company regularly attends tradeshows or related business events, post about it. Let people know when and where you are going to be. These shows are sometimes a less intimidating way for potential clients to start a conversation with your company. Sharing a follow-up post after the event is great too. It might spark someone to reach out to you after the fact if they didn’t get a chance to talk to you during a tradeshow.

Does your company participate in any charity work or events? If so, don’t be shy about sharing it! Doing something for your community can go a long way with potential customers. Plus, it helps raise awareness about the cause you supported.

4. Blog Posts

Does your website have a blog? Share the content you are producing. Not only can sharing blog posts help drive more content back to your website, but blog posts can help you show off your expertise in your field as well.

Not sure where to start with blogging? Check out Netvantage’s post on blog content ideas.

5. Client Testimonials

Online reviews are huge in this day and age! Use social media to highlight some reviews and get them out in front of a potential client base. The client testimonials are another way to sneak in some before and after pictures, or you could skip right to pictures of the final product.

6. Staff Features & Birthdays

Birthday celebrations are a great way to increase engagement on social media. Plus, they make your staff members feel important and cared about.

Sharing information about your staff in a feature can be a touchy subject. Before doing any type of feature on a staff member, be sure they are comfortable with the information being shared online about them. Remember that you don’t have to go over the top with detail. Simply sharing a few relatable items usually leads to comments and can get conversations started.

7. Company Celebrations: Awards & Milestones

Celebrate your company’s milestones with anniversary posts. A lot of your past, current, and future customers will like to see your success. Social media is also a great way to share any awards your company may have received.

While creating social media content can be fun and a great way to help build your brand and business, there are a few items to remember when posting on social media:

  • Always double-check what you have written for spelling errors and grammar.
  • You can’t share, share, share. It is important that you are interacting with your customers.
  • It’s also important to be consistent when posting on social media. You aren’t going to benefit from sharing posts once in a blue moon.
  • Received a bad review on social media? Respond to it! It will show your potential customers that you care and are willing to make things better with an unhappy customer.

At Netvantage, we primarily focus on SEO for contractors, but we do believe that social media can be a valuable part of your online marketing strategy. Questions about SEO or social media, contact us today!

Lexie Kimball

Lexie is an Account Manager at Netvantage SEO, an online marketing company that specializes in SEO, PPC and social media. At Netvantage, Lexie assists with online marketing campaigns and social media outreach.

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