Search Scoop: Week of March 17th

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Here are this week’s Search Scoop links: The Short Cutts – A new resource put together by ClickConsult that’s collected all videos posted by Matt Cutts, head of […] Read More

Does Google Have an Eye on your Brand Name?

Businesses with big brand names have reason to worry with the experiments Google is currently conducting through their money products comparison tool. The tool is designed for UK customers […] Read More

Search Scoop: Week of March 10th

Anyone in the search marketing industry will tell you that it is a constantly changing industry. Google is frequently making changes to how they determine rankings, which means search marketers […] Read More

Switching Back to the Old Google Maps

If you search for local businesses on a regular basis like I do, you’ve certainly noticed that Google updated Google Maps to a new layout. The biggest changes involved eliminating […] Read More

Why Did Google Update PageRank?

It was a pretty normal Friday for me, when I read a news update from Search Engine Watch: Surprise! Google Updates PageRank Just in Time for Christmas. I can’t think […] Read More

Is Google Stealing Your Traffic?

In the past couple of years one of the things I’ve found most amazing is Google’s ability to provide better data while I do less work. For example, if you […] Read More