Search Scoop: Week of July 9th

Happy Monday!

Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:



Abbey Hadar
Abbey Hadar
Meta descriptions are going to be shorter again — Remember when Google changed the meta description character count back at the beginning of the year to around 320 characters? Well, that seems to have changed again. Google has now reverted back to their old length between 150-170 characters, which means it might be time to edit all the work you just made a few months ago.
Adam Henige
Adam Henige
How to Earn .edu Links — Self-promotional much? Screw it. This is a good post and it provides some pretty effective ways that you can land some highly valuable .edu links, even if you’re not a giant company with a lot of money.
Breanna Ratering
Breanna Ratering
Instagram Hacks: 57 Tricks and Features You Probably Didn’t Know About — This blog post is the mecca for Instagram hacks. Even if you’re looking for posting tips or how to navigate the platform in general, this is a great tool to bookmark and use whenever! I love the fact that you can mute stories/posts from certain users. The more you know!
Jerod Karam
Jerod Karam
The 10 Rules You Must Follow to Create an Effective Landing Page — Everything *thinks* they know what goes into a solid landing page that converts traffic, but DO you know? ….do you REALLY know? Never fear, the kind folks at Entrepreneur magazine (online) have a nice clickbaity article for your reading pleasure.
Joe Ford
Joe Ford
Google is retiring the AdWords & DoubleClick brands in major rebranding aimed at simplification — Google is transitioning away from the well-known brands of AdWords and Doubleclick. While this may just be a name change, my guess is that there are bigger plans at stake for two most important revenue generating channels for Google.
Lexie Kimball
Lexie Kimball
How Much Does Google Index Twitter in 2018? — Is Google really indexing tweets? Find out how the number of tweets being indexed has changed over the years.
Michael Hall
Michael Hall
Getting it done: how to overcome common link building blockers — Interesting article on identifying and getting around link building “blockers” – or the things that get in the way of effective link building for a client. This could include a wide range of factors including the digital team, the legal or compliance team, the brand team, the UX and design team, and other teams that you may need to work with while link building.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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