Search Scoop: Week of March 2nd

Happy Monday! Here are this week’s Search Scoop articles:

Adam Henige
Adam Henige
Yoast SEO was responsible for 75% Drop in our Traffic (and how we fixed) — Noticing an unusually high number of pages excluded in Google Search Console? Your Yoast SEO plugin might be to blame.

Elyse Motte
7 Simple Tips to Get More Reviews for Your Local Business — Reviews are important for SEO, here are 7 tips to help you get more for your business!

Jerod Karam
Firefox to enable DNS-over-HTTPS by default to US users — I have a really REALLY hard time reconciling everyone’s need for personal privacy with the public need for security and safety. Generally, I come down on the side of personal privacy. In that light, Firefox (which is my daily-driver browser) has made the decision to enable DNS-over-HTTPS by default. I think this is a good thing. I applaud the move. Also, since Chrome owns something like 98% of the browser market (completely made up statistic), I don’t think law enforcement should worry too much.

Joe Ford
How to earn the Google Partners badge — There was quite the hub-bub in the PPC industry last week when Google started to implement new rules for agencies for Google Partner status, including mandates on client recommendations that may not have benefitted clients. This is obviously a cause for concern and frustration. Google seems to have put out a clarification statement here.

Kelli Kaufman
Big Survey: 14 Link Building Strategies Professionals Choose in 2019 — Link building projects can be extremely time consuming and still not return the results you are looking for. This article is a great resource for figuring out which link building approach is best for you and how to execute it successfully.

Lexie Kimball
Google backtracks on using (relevant) keywords in your Google My Business description — Do keywords in Google My Business descriptions impact local rankings? Not quite, but filling out your profile fully, including the business description, is still important.

Michael Hall
Google’s John Mueller to Investigate Deceitful Link Building Practices — Apparently, some people try to claim credit for images that appear on other sites for the purpose of attaining a link. The only problem is that they do not actually own the image. Google is looking into this issue. If you ever receive this kind of request, it is likely genuine, but be sure to verify first.

Netvantage Marketing

Netvantage SEO is a search engine marketing company founded in 2008. We assist businesses in a variety of industries with search engine optimization and paid search management.

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